Connect remote mysql servers to local phpmyadmin via ssh tunnel(s)

Update may 7th 2024: these days I would recommend just using tailscale and tailscale acl and just access servers directly from phpmyadmin using tailscale ips. As a self-hosting aficionado I do prefer to use tools that are hosted on my home server instead of my development computer/laptop. There may be couple reasons you would want … Read more

Haproxy http/https on single port

I do a lot of web development and prefer spinning up my development app/site/enviroment on one of my home server(s) within the confines of my homenet/homelab (without ever exposing site/app to the internet). It works just dandy for http, however – im not satisfied with just http (even if this is a dev environment) – … Read more

Access remote/self-hosted applications securely with Wireguard

As a huge self-hosted aficionado I do love setting up new self-hosted applications in my home lab. Containerization truly pushed the envelope for homelabber/selfhoster community by drastically reducing LOE required to set things up ( and more importantly maintain things with low effort and low time expenditures). Im sure any person who ever dabbled with … Read more

WordPress Varnish caching

Your WordPress blog is running very slowly and you have tried 5000 plugins and none of them is helping? This post will demonstrate how to solve the performance issues using the reverse caching proxy. Varnish Cache is a very common caching tool (reverse caching proxy) many web applications/ blogs/CDNs utilize to speed up content delivery, … Read more