I’ve recently ran into this error message with mezzio/swoole – which would popup for every hot reload on code change.
Ive tried couple of different things (completely on the hunch) like:
- disabling ticks (this didn’t help)
- disabling side swoole processes (this didn’t help)
- raising max_wait_time to 60 seconds (this didn’t help)
- checking mysql/redis connection pools and closing on worker exit (this didn’t help)
But nothing seemed to work.
Solved this thanks to a friendly advice from openswoole slack channel:
public function onWorkerExit(int $worker_id): void
//Prevent worker exit timeout issues (similar to die/exit)
//@see: https://openswoole.com/docs/modules/swoole-event-exit
Basically adding these 2 instructions in onWorkerExit event solved the timeout issues for me. ofc would be nice to understand why – but this solved the immediate issues for us.
Hope this helps some other stragglers!