vite.js to precompress your .js and .css bundles in brotli and gzip format

vite.js to precompress your .js and .css bundles in brotli and gzip format

Vite.js bills itself as a “Next Generation Frontend Tooling”, in simpler words this is something to replace your webpack bundler with (for your next project) as most modern browsers suppport ESM which make bundling easier and faster. I’ve started using it for some of my projects and could not find an example for brotli and … Read more

Benchmarking of PHP application with php-fpm vs swoole/openswoole

Benchmarking of PHP application with php-fpm vs swoole/openswoole

How realistic is this benchmark? Before people start pulling out pitchforks from their basements (sheds, whatever) – I do realize this is a rather NOT a realistic test-case scenario. In the real life scenario, it is somewhat unlikely your API will just be serving some static json responses without any io calls. And even a … Read more